Let us say you are journeying in an unfamiliar part of town. As you keep walking, you are suddenly confronted with a situation where you have to decide of which road you are finally going to follow. At first, perhaps you will be perplexed as to what option you will take. The normal reflex, based from your sensations, is directly related to the way you feel and see about the road that will serve as guide to your decision. So, automatically you will be looking for telltales of goodness on the way. A beautiful and attractive sight will surely be your choice. But, I just can't understand why this is not so all the time. The world has been inhabited with people whose inclinations where not on the certainties of things. The daredevils, for example, have proven that danger and uncertainties can make life interesting and rewarding to some. Another example is the controversial heroine of France, Joan of Ark. In her time, she dared to defy the norms in the name of faith and conviction of the truthfulness of the voices she heard, as she claimed. When questioned, during her trial, why she left their home without asking permission from her parents, thus committing a sin in doing so; to this, she responded brilliantly and confidently: "Even if I had a hundred mothers and a hundred fathers, and even if I had been a daughter of a king, I would still have gone."
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