Sunday, December 13, 2009

Vegetables has cured my vision

Never I have eaten vegetables as plenty as I did for two weeks now. Unintentionally, it has cured my eye problem. Three years ago, I noticed that my left eye is blurred compared to my right eye. This condition, however, is not obvious when the two eyes are working together. Only by closing each eye alternately that I can observe the difference.

I was forced to eat lots of vegetables as my attention is still tied to my projects. And the accidental cure of that illness is a good example of a solution that takes in a form of inconvenience.

In my place, there's no need to buy vegetables if you only have the guts. Me, being accustomed to street life before, I know very well what to do in times of financial crisis. Sidewalk vendors selling vegetables, I once found out, they would just dump rejected vegetables beside them, waiting for the garbage truck to pick them up. And that is where I got plenty of vegetables supply for my food. A little rice paired with lots of vegetables is a good stuff already for the hungry stomach. It is said that vegetables are good for the health, but I have not experienced its therapeutic effect on the body until just the other day.

Because of my blogs, everyday, I have to visit a public library. After using the computer, I would usually sit down for an hour to read something. There I knew what's the problem, and how serious it is. There were even times that when signing my name, I couldn't clearly see the lines where I have to write my name. When that happens, I need to focus intently on that specific spot before my eyes could adjust to the light. The other day, I was pretty much surprised when I was able to write my name immediately and without problem. After I was through blogging, I picked up a book and started reading: the printed letters appeared so clear in one glance without straining my eyes. My eyes' new condition really startled me. To know what's happening, I closed my right eye with the help of my hand so I could view things with my left eye alone, which I know has a problem. But what I expected to see was not there -- the blurred has gone -- I saw things in the same strength and clearness as my right eye. I almost couldn't believe that I was healed by the humble vegetables by the sidewalk.

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